Never fearing to dabble, I stuck my neck out and tried the paid autosurf industry. My conclusion is...there's no substitute for effort! It seems the people who run the autosurfs are all extremely low conscious people. Notice I didn't say "low conscious" but EXTREMELY low conscious. And that's not a typo. Some of them might have a conscience, but it's definitely asleep, hence, "low conscious".
I can't wait for the government to put Charis Johnson of 12DailyPRO on a skewer and roast her in front of the world. If Steve Girsky and Stormpay were partner, also, then onto the coals they go, too. It seems these kinds of people consider you to be nothing more than a cow or a sheep. The autosurf customer service is virtually absent, their forums are almost always staffed with moderators who, tasting a bit of power for the first time in their lives, start to act like a small-town version of Saddam Hussein.
If you're upset, your posts get deleted, or edited, and eventually, you could lose your autosurf account. In other words, "if admin screws up, then send an email to their already crappy customer service and suffer what you get. Otherwise, if you complain in the forums, we'll cancel your account even if you brought us dozens of referrals. In fact, we would prefer to cancel your account if you brought in dozens of referrals. More money for us and no more dissent from you. Thank you for surfing!"
So here's what the front page of the Engage Surf website looks like right now:

That's right! Nothing to worry about! "Just sit tight and we'll be in touch with ya shortly!" What a joke! And to what DEPTHS have I sunk when I, having an IQ of freakish proportions, find myself being quoted CICERO by a 3rd-world autosurf scam artist! Oh the IRONY! THE IRONY!
Alright folks, that's 2 strikes against the autosurf industry. Phoenix Surf either makes it or breaks it as far as my willingness to experiment with hyips goes. Yet Phoenix Surf is already off to a rather odd start. They said that they were APPROVED by legal counsel as being a LEGAL business. But when one of the users asked for some kind of proof of this approval, he was rebuked with the excuse that they didn't want 1000s of crazy people calling the attorney with stupid questions (lovely opinion of their members, huh?).
Then one rather astute forum member made a very intelligent remark. He said, "Why not have the lawyer set up a 900 number that charges their hourly fee so that it will limit the frivolous calls?" Well, let me just warn ya right now...NEVER GET INTELLIGENT ON AN AUTOSURF FORUM MODERATORS! You'd have a much better reaction trying to open up multiple accounts or violating some other portion of their TOS.
You have to remember. Autosurfs don't pick moderators because of their stellar customer service skills. They pick them because those biatches have no lives and will gladly function as a beatstick on the poor, unsuspecting, jaded autosurfers, in order to hide that fact from themselves.
Alright, nuff said here. If you're a "what the heck!" kind of person and don't mind getting your nads kicked in one more time, (See: "Kick Me In the Balls Stormpay, Please?" ) head on over to phoenix surf and place your bets with yet another group of "fleece" dealers - except this time, these fleece dealers are dressed in suits and ties.
Sam Freedom
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Technorati tags: Autosurf, 12DailyPRO, 12Daily, Stormpay, Internet, Internet Marketing, Computers & Internet, Current Affairs, Ponzi, HYIP, Investment, Investing, Fraud, Scam, Scams, Enron, Forex, Forex Trading, Tennessee, Sociopath, Sociopathy, Charis, Girsky, Steve Girsky, Brett Hubbard, Kevin Wessell, Lifeclicks, Sam Freedom, SamFreedom, Wall Street Journal, CNN, Barry Minkow, FBI, Make Money, Get Rich, Get Rich Quick, BBB, Tennessee Better Business Bureau, Tennessee BBB, Better Business Bureau, Engage Surf, EngageSurf, Phoenix Surf