Wow, they must be for real!
Well, they seemed to be going along just fine until the state of TEXAS took EMO over and appointed a receiver to control the company. Aparrently EMO didn't have enough money to pay off people "in case of an emergency." They allegedly just didn't have the funds. But how much were they short?
Ohhhhhhh, about $2,000,000 - Just two million dollars folks. No big deal, right? Well, click the pic below to see the full statement from the government of Texas. It's on the EMO corp website so's ya know it's for real.

Technorati tags: Autosurf, 12DailyPRO, 12Daily, Stormpay, Internet, Internet Marketing, Computers & Internet, Current Affairs, Ponzi, HYIP, Investment, Investing, Fraud, Scam, Scams, Enron, Forex, Forex Trading, Tennessee, Sociopath, Sociopathy, Charis, Girsky, Steve Girsky, Brett Hubbard, Kevin Wessell, Lifeclicks, Sam Freedom, SamFreedom, Wall Street Journal, CNN, Barry Minkow, FBI, Make Money, Get Rich, Get Rich Quick, BBB, Tennessee Better Business Bureau, Tennessee BBB, Better Business Bureau, Engage Surf, EngageSurf, Phoenix Surf, Autosurf Update, SEC, EMO, EMO CORP
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