The first is called "The 1-Step System" and you have only ONE STEP to start earning $500 checks over and over. After your 3rd sale, it's PURE PROFIT from then on and the way they have it set up, your 3rd sale on begins a potential AVALANCHE of INDIRECT $500 commissions.
But How?!
Very simply and it's very real. Here's the original article I wrote. It will open in a new window so you won't lose this page. It will blow your mind that something like this really exists!:
Also, go directly to MY 1-STEP SYSTEM WEBPAGE so you can see what YOURS will look like and what it will do for YOU!
Most marketers, especially those with ELITE attitudes think of Autosurf and Traffic Exchange advertising as beneath them. They argue that it's the worst kind of marketing around. But that's because they are IGNORANT and, even worse, they don't know it.
The fact is, those negative marketers are totally unaware of just how HUGE the paid autosurf industry has become. They aren't aware that a company like 12DailyPRO had 350,000 members! THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND MEMBERS!!! Each watching a MINIMUM of 12 advertisements PER DAY!
"Yeah, but they're on autopilot, people just start surfing and walk away, right?"
I would start surfing and then go read my email. And what happens after the timer winds down? The next ad shot to the surface of my browser windows and I would see it...plus EVERY OTHER AD that shot to the surface after the timer wound down.
The 1-Step System, where EVERYTHING after your third sale is PURE PROFIT of $500 commissions over and over, forever more, is perfect to use in paid autosurf, but it's even BETTER to use in PHOENIX SURF. But why...?
1) Phoenix Surf is very professional, extra communicative and doing their very best to ensure longevity. In an effort to conform to SEC regulations, they have gone to manual surf. So big deal if you have to spend a full 4.5 minutes surfing each day. That also happens to mean that EVERY ONE OF THEIR 10,000+ MEMBERS IS DEFINITELY LOOKING AT YOUR ADS!
2) Most of the people in Paid Autosurf don't have a website of their own to promote. You know they don't mind either because, like you, they're all really in it for the autosurf money they get from surfing. Sometimes they advertise their affiliate link to other autosurfs, but imagine giving them something to advertise that will earn them $500 per sale!! Something that takes only 3 sales to break even and then everything after, directly and indirectly is pure profit! And just imagine how excited and curious they will feel when they spend 15 seconds STARING at an ad that looks like this: Your 1-Step System Site!
3) Getting Referrals in Phoenix Surf is EASY! While I advertise the 1-Step System in many autosurfs, I do especially well in Phoenix Surf because of both reason #1 above - they changed to manual surfing so people MUST watch your ads, but also because we all know that a lot of big extra money comes from obtaining REFERRALS under us in the autosurfs. We earn commissions several times per month when referrals upgrade in autosurf, but we also know that it's not so easy to get referrals! It can be quite tedious and time consuming to have to explain everything over and over again.
Well, thank your stars because with Phoenix Surf, that just changed! No other autosurf that I know of has a user-created REFERRAL GENERATING SYSTEM like this! We ALL like getting referrals but we also know it can be tedious and time consuming to have to explain everything, including how to join, over and over again.
Now you only have to point people to your very own referral generating system and it shows them a short movie and explains EVERYTHING to them for you...even while you sleep!!
So Here's The 2-Step Combo I've Used to Recover All My 12DailyPRO Funds And More...
If you'd like to recover your funds too (or just make a whole lot of money, period!) then follow these simple instructions:
1) Watch this short movie about earning with Phoenix Surf and follow their take-you-by-the-hand instructions;
2) Look at my 1-Step System website and signup for the free 37-minute teleconference that will explain how THEY will work at making YOU a whole lot of $500 commissions; and,
3) Promote your own personal 1-Step System website in all of your autosurfs (and anywhere else you want!) and pretty soon you'll see what I'm seeing every day...

Nice site, good content. Like the article about 12 daily, its the reason i tend to stay away from HYPE's. Get yourself to the warriors forum its always nice to here from fellow internet marketers.
Keep up the good work
Newsflash Sam, PhoenixSurf is also a Ponzi scheme just like 12daily Pro was.
And just switching to manual surf does NOT make them SEC compliant. Not at all!
You need to learn the laws and stop promoting illegal programs. Be advised that members of these programs are now also being charged with fraud.
By joining and advertising an illegal program/company, you yourself are in violation of federal law and can be arrested and prosecuted. It's a shame people aren't aware of this.
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